Monday, January 26, 2009

Still Waiting

Well I've had the weekend to absorb and contemplate what will officially start on Feb. 1 - the KDUV In-Shape Challenge. I say officially because I have actually started warming up now by, using the quote from the movie "Cool Hand Luke", "getting my mind right". I've started getting mentally and, I hope physically, somewhat prepared for what the next several months have in store and what that will do to jump start the rest of my life. I've begun by looking at my portion sizes and asking myself, "do you really need that much Scott, or do you just feel bad for the parts of the plate that have nothing to do?" My biggest downfall is soda, specifically Pepsi, so I've switched to diet *shiver* (I'm sure I'll come to like it -in time) and consciously make myself drink more water, lots of water. I've started walking with my wife around the neighborhood after work, so that hopefully the initial workout soreness that is inevitable will be lessened; I have no dillusions that I won't have any, so I'm just getting ready.
I know a couple of my Porterville teammates so that's exciting and can't wait to meet the rest of them. Its going to be fun encouraging each other and rooting on all the contestants that have committed themselves to improving the quality of our lives.


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