Sunday, March 1, 2009

Prematurely Bummed Out

I'm a bit bummed out this weekend. I'm gonna ramble here as I work this out. I'm bummed out because Team Porterville Results got posted in the gym sometime between Thursday afternoon and our team workout with Rocky on Saturday morning, and just going by what I see on the board of how our team did, I'll most likely be eliminated officially on Monday morning. Don't get me wrong, the rest of my team did AWESOME and I'm so proud of them. I did well to, I did just shy of 3 pounds a week, which is great, but I don't think it will be enough compared to the numbers the others put up. So that is why I'm bummed...because I most likely will be out of the competition; yet this too shall pass because this isn't completely about a contest, its about changing my life, and it has. I'll be going to the gym here in a little while, and everyday after today and I am still sticky to a better way of eating (nothing but water to drink in over 5 weeks, well, some 1% milk in a bowl of bran ceral now and then). I will keep blogging, and letting you know how the battle is going, but for now, I'll be a little bummed...maybe I'll take it out on the eliptical at the gym...yeah, that's it, work out the stress and depression at the gym instead of watching tv or surfing on the computer, now where have I heard that before...oh yeah..thanks Rocky, I'll be seein' ya at the gym.

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